Saturday, May 29, 2010

From the Soul

For the first time in years, I'm going to write something that comes from my very core. At least, something close to it.

There are things in this world that nobody will ever understand. The inner workings of the human mind being one of them. I wonder what people would think if they saw what went through my head in the span of a few short seconds. The colors, sounds, and messages that will be relayed in just that small amount of time. However, it is impossible for my dreams to become a reality because it would mean a reshaping of the world.

I wish people weren't so inconsiderate and hopeless all of the time. We perform miracles every day, why can't they have more faith in themselves? If they were to travel back in time and tell someone what they know and what they could accomplish with just the simplest of tools and the proper resources, they would understand how incredible our feats are. To think we are now able to communicate with people on the other side of the globe without even taking a step out our front door... to show people what places look like without even going there... to create things through art and music that isn't even real...

There is no true limit except ourselves. We doubt and we forget that everything is possible. We hold ourselves back because we're afraid of what will come of our actions. Fear is what others use to control the masses. We are powerful, magnificent, enchanting, incredible, and tireless but our fears of the unknown and the future are what hold us back from reaching out and becoming a new race of human.

We force ourselves to believe in things that don't exist and listen to people that are also afraid and only wish to remain in the comfort zone that they have created and not be left alone. Death is something everyone has some fear of or at least a healthy respect of but we forget that death is getting further and further down the road the more we advance and the more we allow ourselves to grow. Humans are incredible creatures; unique and intelligent. If there are gods, then they might envy our magnificence in our ability to adapt and evolve so much faster than any other creature known on this planet. Though we may not be all-powerful and all-knowing, we are awe-inspiring in our imperfection.

We could create something to last throughout the ages and we could become something so great... if we could only overcome our fears and stop listening to the poison we're being fed every day through the media and the politics. The lies that they shove down our throats to blind us and keep us from getting too curious and finding out their plans to change us into something humanity should not willingly accept. We are human and to be human is to be free. To be free is to be able to do whatever we want whenever we want and however we want. Laws are placed to keep us in line when they should only be there to remind us of how far we've come from being just another animal on this planet. We are more than what they make us to be and we are forgetting who we are. When will we wake up from this nightmare?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Up and Down

So, I've been a bit up and down lately. What does that mean? Well, it means that I've been going through an emotional roller coaster since the last time I posted. Nothing huge has happened, just a lot of small things that wouldn't make a difference if they didn't all happen at the same time.

I went to San Francisco a few weeks ago. Had some fun, for the most part, but not all of it was that great. For one, that place is so expensive... For those of you who can't pay the price and don't like crowded places, I would suggest never living there. Haha. Personally, I prefer quiet open spaces. San Francisco is nice to visit, but you better have a lot of cash shaved up or you'll end up like one of the bums on the street within the week. No lie, man. Haha.

So, anyways, I have an odd love of the ocean and the wind. Yea, I know that probably sounds kinda cheesy but it's the truth. I just find myself getting hyper during windy days and sleepy and comfortable when I go to the beach. How many people don't love the feeling of the wind in their hair, honestly? It's gotta be the most invigorating thing that I know. I mean, who doesn't get high off the feeling of ultimate freedom? That's what the wind reminds me of: freedom. Freedom from all the troubles and pains of the world, no ties to anything or anyone.

Yea, I'm a bit odd. I know. Honestly, that's how I like it. :]
A friend of mine is really starting to bother me. Her ignorance and the fact that she lets people push her around is starting to just tick me off. Mostly because of the fact that she knows what she's doing but she doesn't want to change any of it. She claims that she loves the attention and that she doesn't know how to live without a guy, but... yea. I love her and everything, but she needs to grow a backbone or something.

A lot of women these days piss me off. Why? Well, they claim that they can't stand being alone. Now, I know it can be annoying and quite boring but jumping from one person to the next is what fucks you up. When you don't take the time to really get to know someone before you decide that they're going to be the next one in line, that's when you screw up. Truthfully, I wouldn't mind being alone for the rest of my life because I'd rather be alone than be a fuck up. I know that I can take care of myself and that I don't really need anyone else, but I guess I'm just one of the smart ones or something. I have a lover, so I don't need to bother too much on the topic but I do know that if I had to I would live the rest of my days alone. Being a dependent sap must be "in" this season.
Fads and things of that sort piss me off, they really do, because people don't like things or other people because of personal opinions. They like them because everyone else likes them. No originality or individuality these days and that makes me want to go on a rampage and puke out my organs at the same time sometimes.

People ask me what I want to do with my life... well, honestly, I don't know. I want to learn how to do a lot of things like graphic design and game design and even computer graphics and photography. What I would do with all of that I'm not completely sure but I would still like to learn about it. Maybe I'll make a few video/computer games or make a few websites or be a photographer for some magazine or something... I dunno.

Life's just too short for me.

Monday, January 18, 2010


If I had to describe myself in one word it would be "neutral". Why? Simply because I am open-minded and non-judgmental to pretty much anything and everything. A label is not something that we should use on ourselves or other people because we can't possibly classify ourselves into any one category unless someone is shallow and uncreative enough to actually WANT to be predictable and mainstream. Who, on this planet, wants to be boring and predictable? I certainly don't.

Surprisingly, though, there are a lot of "plastics" or "carbon copies" out there in the world. People who copy someone else out of too much admiration, jealousy, or simply because they want to be part of the "in-crowd" are what I call "carbon copies". And no, ladies and gentleman, the term is not to be taken as a compliment. To me, a carbon copy is one of the lowest life forms on the planet. No offense... sort of.

I encourage everyone to make up their own styles and be their own person because then it makes life interesting for both them and the people around them. I may act a bit aloof or air-headed from time to time, but that doesn't mean that I'm "special" (not in the good sense). I like sweets and tend to get hyper, but I'm not naive, oblivious, or ignorant. I may act cold and distant randomly, but that doesn't make me "gothic" or arrogant. They just mean that I'm bi-polar and I have personal issues... and I get bored easily. Having a short attention span is not something to be proud of, for those who like to pretend they're childish and stupid.

Pretending to be something or someone you're not is about as smart as sticking your hand in a garbage disposal while it's turned on. I absolutely hate when people say they have "schizophrenia" or they're "bi-polar" or anything in-between. Having any kind of disorder or psychological problem is NOT cool and does not make you a better person. People who DO have a disorder will tell you as much. I have a friend who takes medication for such issues, she can tell you that it is absolutely NOT fun and that she would rather be a NORMAL person. Then again, what is normal?

Being "Emo" is not cool. Pretending to be Emo is pathetic. "Emo" has become a stereotype and stereotypes are retarded. Goth, Emo, Prep, Punk, Jock, Geek, Nerd, Loner, and everything else you could possibly think of... they're all meaningless and stupid. Just because someone dresses in black or likes sports or someone likes to play video games and mess with computers doesn't mean you can categorize them in as any ONE label. A cheerleader may actually be smart and like to draw in her spare time. A goth may actually like bright colors and play a bit of basketball in his spare time. A nerd may not be so smart and might prefer music to numbers. Humans are unique and there is nobody on this planet who has the right to degrade anyone else so much as to place a label on another.

You know, if people started thinking like this, we might actually find peace and be able to live together without going into another world war and destroying the planet by bombing the shit out of each other. Why should people be able to look at someone else and say right off the bat that they are "this" and "that" and that they act a certain way? Racism is ugly and stupid. Just because we may look, speak, or think differently doesn't mean we have to hate each other for it. "To each his own."

Just because your neighbor's skin is different from yours or that they come from another country doesn't mean you should hate them. I dare you all to try and talk to them at least once and see if they're the person you thought them to be. We are all equal in this world. We all deserve love and happiness and we all have the chance to find it. Nobody has the right to take it away.

Here's a question I'd like you all to answer:
Why do people like to hate?

Friday, January 15, 2010


First of all: The word "astrology" comes from the Latin term astrologia ("astronomy"), which in turn derives from the Greek noun αστρολογία: ἄστρον, astron ("constellation" or "star") and -λογία, -logia ("the study of"). [Cited from]

A lot of people find Astrology to be an interesting subject and others would say it's just a bunch of bogus. Well, whether it is or is not, it is still fascinating to study. There are also several kinds of astrology that can be found in different cultures and parts of the globe. Western astrology and Chinese astrology being some of the more popular, but there are probably dozens of others that are never mentioned. I find that Celtic astrology is very intriguing. Not everything about them is completely true for anyone, though, but they each tend to have something that you can identify with.

I, myself, am a Gemini (Western astrology), Snake (Chinese astrology), and Hawthorn (Celtic astrology).

For those who are also interested in astrology, here are some links that you can check out:


Despite the fact that I'm no real believer of any religion, I dubbed this entry 'Genesis'. The word has no real biblical or religious meaning, it simply means 'beginning' or 'creation' which, for this blog entry, would represent that this is the very first (and, hopefully, not the last) time that I have written a blog (well, at least on this site).

Introductions are at hand, I suppose...

You may call me either Xero or Medea, none of which are my real name. What is my real name? Quite a simple name, really. It used to be quite common, too, but now it is less used and there are increasingly more names derived from the same name that it comes from. Why Xero or Medea? I came up with calling myself Xero many years ago, but (just last year) the name 'Medea' caught my interest and it has stuck to me since then.

I am a twenty year old female living in southern California and that is really all the personal information you'll ever know... So don't ask. Although, a few may come on here and read this and know who I am, I don't expect anyone to really care otherwise. Everything I write in here will be based on my personal life, things I find interesting, and I may put up a rant or two. Be warned, I like to write a lot. :P

This post is really just an introduction and not an actual post... but still important, nonetheless. With that said, I will be ending this so as I may create an actual one...